Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three weeks to go and three weeks of changes...

Three weeks to go and I've been feeling great! However, there are several pregnancy related changes that have come to my attention over the last three weeks:

  1. My hands and feet are swollen and my wedding ring is no longer comfortable to wear. Tennis shoes and flip flops are my new best friends!

  2. The pelvis widens in preparation for birth and it hurts!

  3. I've started snoring and poor Reuben has had to move to the couch some nights so he can get some sleep.

  4. My chocolate obsession hasn't slowed down and each time I think I've eaten all of the chocolate out of the house I mysteriously find more! That or last night we made a run to 7-11 around the corner for Häagen-Dazs® and Hot Tamales?!?! Sounds weird, but last night they tasted perfect! :)

  5. I can't see my feet when I look down without bending over.

  6. The baby has his own sleep schedule and frequently wakes me during the middle of the night as he's bouncing around. I think he's preparing me for when he's here!
  7. I only know one temperature these days...HOT! Good thing the weather is cooling down outside! :)

Week 37 - OB Appointment Updates

Since my posting about my last OB appointment I've now had 6 others with the most recent being yesterday! They've all been routine and I'm happy to report that everything is going great! I'm now starting my 37th week and going to weekly appointments until I deliver. My blood pressure, urine and weight are all good. The baby's heartbeat sounds good and the doctor's been able to feel that he's in a head-down position for about a month now...or as she calls it "launch position". With his head down, his butt is positioned in my upper left side and his legs and feet are in my upper right...which explains why I feel so much movement and stretching on my upper right side! He gets the hiccups at least twice a day and even though he's getting bigger and space is getting tighter...he finds a way to push around and stretch. He's very active and seems to like car rides and hearing his daddy's voice.

I've been feeling great and Reuben and I have been keeping busy on the weekends with getting our apartment ready with new baby furniture and organizing all the wonderful gifts. Our friend Jason is coming over this weekend to paint the baby's room and then we can get all the furniture situated. Once we have the room set up I'll post some pictures! We've also been busy going to some prenatal classes. We went to childbirth preparation, infant care, breastfeeding and car seat safety classes. We learned a lot from each class and with each one we were a little more prepared than we were before. Now we just need to finish his room and we'll be all set! Three more weeks and counting!

36 Weeks!

36 weeks and starting my 9th month! It's hard to believe that I'm here already and this much time has past! This last weekend my aunt Pam threw me a wonderful baby shower at her home. It was so great to see everyone and celebrate...especially since we won't be able to make the trip to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family this year. Here is one group picture. Hopefully I'll get some more soon!

35 Weeks!

Here I'm in my 35th week
and about to start my 9th month!

My best friend Christy turned the BIG 3-0 (Finally!!!) on 10/9/09 and Reuben and I went out with her and her husband, Rick, and another couple to celebrate. We had a fantastic meal at La Fondue and had a great time celebrating with great friends. Happy birthday C-dawg...welcome to the club!

32 Weeks!

32 weeks...8 months already!
Here's another belly pic from this week.

My mother and sister threw me a shower in Fresno on 9/17/09. It was so great to see everyone and to celebrate! I got to spend time with a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile and some came as far as Sacramento, LA and San Diego! A few couldn't make it to the end of the shower and missed the group photo but I wanted to thank everyone for coming and sharing this special day with me.
Here is me with by best friend Reanin who is also pregnant! Our baby can't wait to meet his new friend (who I'm betting is a boy!). They'll only be about 4 months apart. Now if we just lived closer for play dates! :)
Here is me with the hostesses with the mostess! Thank you to my wonderful mother and sister for throwing me such a lovely shower. Our son is so lucky to have such a wonderful grandma and aunt!

Reuben's Birthday Weekend in SF

Reuben turned 32 this year on 9/13/09 and Don and Alyssa came to visit and celebrate with us. We spent a lot of the weekend in San Francisco and here are some pictures from the Giants game vs. the Dodgers. The Giants did great and won for Reuben!

The four of us after the game. My Giants jersey doesn't quite fit anymore. :)
Family picture at the ballpark! Next year will be able to bring our son to his first game and we already have his first Giants outfit!

At home after the game. This is one of the jerseys Reuben bought me for my birthday. It's a little small now. :)

Belly at 31 weeks.

Finally another post!! 31 Weeks

After two months, 5 OB appointments and countless events later I'm FINALLY updating the blog! So sorry that it has taken me this long! Here are some pictures of our little guy from 9/10/09. This is probably the last US until we meet him in a few short weeks. Can't wait!

Here's a profile with one hand up by his face.Here's another profile when we finally got him to move his hand.
It's definitely a boy! Just checking... :)
One of his feet.
This is my favorite! It's a frontal view of his face and you can see a lot of soft tissue. His eyes are closed and he has a hand by his cheek. He looks like he has big lips...definitely doesn't get that from mom!